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Peugeot Motocycles

Peugeot Motocycles is the most reputed French motorcycles brand, manufacturing two and three-wheeler scooters which are distributed across 3,000 points of sale through subsidiaries, importers, and dealers in France and internationally, across three continents. The company has its own manufacturing facility in Beaulieu-Mandeure, a joint venture with JNQQ (Jinan Qingqi Motorcycle Co., Ltd.) in China, as well as manufacturing partnerships with several large Asian players including THACO in Vietnam.

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Amari Sky 2, Level 21 - Amari Hotel Johor Bahru  •  Johor Bahru

Johor InterChamber Networking

Join us for this InterChamber Networking event, hosted by the American Malaysian Chamber of Commerce, offering a great opportunity to connect.


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