"Exporting" German Dual Vocational Training to Malaysia?

Kuala Lumpur, 08  January  2014  -  Malaysia’s economy is rapidly  growing and the country is  well under way to become  a  high-income  nation  based  on  a  comprehensive  and  result-oriented  government  and  economic transformation program . This rapid growth calls for a rising need of  highly skilled workers. To improve the quality of its workforce, Malaysia is turning towards the successful German Dual Vocational Training (DVT) System to strengthen the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).

The  Malaysian-German  Chamber  of  Commerce  and  Industry  (MGCC), together  with  the  Department  of  Skills Development (DSD) of  the Malaysian Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR) and  the German-Malaysian Institute (GMI),  as well as Malaysian and foreign companies  are set to flag of a first batch of  trainees in the first ever high level  Dual  Vocational  Training program (Advanced  Skill  Diploma/DLKM/Level5)  in  Malaysia  under  the  National Occupational Skills Standards (NOSS).

In  preparation  for  the  program  MGCC  has  conducted  research  and  a survey  among  German  and  Malaysian companies as well as young Malaysians to learn more about the requirements of the private sector and on how high level vocational training is perceived by young people in Malaysia.

The  research  at  companies  in  Malaysia  based  on  numerous  interviews  shows,  that  the  main  shortcoming  the private sector is facing with graduates of many training programs is the lack of industry relevance and of practical exposure during the training. Fresh graduates have to be put through costly and extensive further trainings before they can  engage in  their  tasks as a  regular employee  with the required degree of productivity.  Youngsters with  a skill  certificates level of SKM  1  to  3 are often considered as unskilled or semi-skilled workers in  the private sector who have to be trained before being able to perform their work. Today, secondary school leavers without any skill certificates  entering the job market  are  the most severe recruitment problem faced by  most companies.  Another challenge many employers are facing nowadays is the poor command of the English language.

The survey amongst young Malaysians  examined  the awareness of  the German  dual vocational training  system and the interest towards such training program  in Malaysia.

Approximately 40% of  144  respondents  are SPM holders,  the main target group  for the German Dual Vocational Training.  According  to  the  survey  findings,  the  German  dual  vocational  training  system  is  seen  as  the  best alternative for young Malaysians to acquire practical qualifications with good career prospects,  besides advancing their studies in  higher  educational institutes.  In addition,  a large number of the respondents  obtained  ‘good’ or ‘excellent’ grades in their recent English examinations.

The  survey  also  shows  that  most  Malaysian  youngsters  are  not  aware  of  the  German  dual  vocational  training system, but  a majority  displayed  their  interests  in  taking part in  the  three year dual vocational training program  in Malaysia.  The benefits  of  the  program  are  seen,  amongst  other  in  the  professional qualification  achieved, sufficient  practical  experience  as  well  as  improved career  opportunities  in  the  future.  Only  a  minor  group  of respondents are not interested in such training due to the long training period of 3 years.
Generally,  the  survey  indicates  the  interest  of  young  Malaysians  to  work  self-dependently  and  to  take  up responsibilities in a company. Furthermore, good remunerations play a vital role for young Malaysians in choosing their employers. As a conclusion, a job package with a competitive salary and the opportunity of further training in a  company  increases  the  youngsters’ motivation  and  interest.  It  increases  loyalty  and  long-term  commitment towards their employers, productivity scales, and competitiveness which results in profitability of an organisation.

“In line with Malaysia’s Vision 2020 and the  rising demand for  a highly  skilled workforce, it is necessary to offer comprehensive  and  high  level  training  to  young  Malaysians”,  says  Carmen  Omlor,  MGCC’s  Dual  Vocational Training Consultant.  She adds that “in order to move Malaysia towards the next level, competencies developed in a dual vocational training environment will enable the graduates to respond quickly to changes and are centred on developing further  knowledge.  The  German  dual  vocational  training  system  will  serve as  a  role  model  for educational efforts within the country and an implementation of such a program in Malaysia will have long term effects in improving the quality of the Malaysian workforce”.

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