Accounting Through Turbulent Times : COVID-19 And Its Impact On Financial Reporting And Internal Controls
Event ended.
Apart from the key priorities of health and the sustainability of business operations, businesses should also carefully address financial reporting and internal controls. Deloitte's experts will share insights with a focus on the IFRS/MFRS accounting framework
What will be covered?
- Impacts on financial reporting
- Accounting for introduction of government measures
- Adjusting or non-adjusting events
- Revenue recognition implication
- Impairment of financial and non-financial assets
- Impact to financing structures
- Fair value measurement consideration
- Management's judgement and key estimates disclosure
- Summary of measures and guidance from regulatory bodies on financial reporting
2. Impacts on business operations
- Internal control
- Going concern
3. Resources available
- Resources and guidance from regulatory bodies
- Deloitte's point of view
Date : Tuesday, 28th April 2020
Time : 10h00 - 11h30 Malaysia time (GMT +8)
Registration is on a first come first served basis. Due to capacity limitations, please register early to secure your spot.
Accounting Through Turbulent Times : COVID-19 And Its Impact On Financial Reporting And Internal Controls
Event ended.
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