Meeting & Exchange

[In Person] 30th Annual General Meeting

MIDA Sentral, Japan Room, Level 18, Malaysian Investment Development Authority, MIDA Sentral, No.5, Jalan Stesen Sentral 5, 50470, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
See on map

Event language(s)

For members only

Price: Free of Charge for CCIFM Members (Participation is limited to CCIFM MEMBER ONLY, one representative per company)

Please be informed that any cancellations must be received 2 working days prior to the event in writing. No show by registered participants will be invoiced accordingly.


Event ended.

Be the first to receive updates on the achievements & activities of the chamber and to receive the audited financial statements for the year 2021.

CCI France Malaysia is inviting all members to be part of the CCIFM 30th Annual General Meeting.

Be the first to receive updates on the achievements and activities of the chamber and to receive and adopt the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2021. We will also discuss the future developments planned for the year coming ahead.

Date    : Thursday, 8 September 2022
Time   : 17h00 – 19h30
Venue : Japan Room, Level 18, Malaysian Investment Development Authority,
              MIDA Sentral, No.5, Jalan Stesen Sentral 5, Kuala Lumpur Sentral,50470,
              Kuala Lumpur
Price   : Free of Charge for CCIFM Members

(Participation is limited to CCIFM MEMBER ONLY, one representative per company) The AGM will be followed by a networking coffee break.


1. Opening Remarks by the President of MFCCI.
2. To receive the Annual Reports.
3. To receive and adopt the audited financial statements for the year ended 31
     December 2021 and the Reports of the Directors and Auditors thereon.
4. To re-appoint the retiring Messrs T.L.Lim & Company as the auditors for the
     ensuing year and authorise the directors to fix their remuneration.
5. To transact any other business for which due notice shall have been received.
6. Closure of meeting.

Please click on the link below for

We hope to have the pleasure of your participation and we remain, should you require further information regarding this event.

Yours faithfully,

Jacques Leizerovici

Event Location

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