Event report

Airbus 'University Innovation Fun Day 2019'

The 'University Innovation Fun Day 2019', event organized by Airbus and hosted by the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) on December 7, 2019, it saw 6 teams from 5 Malaysian Universities challenged on aerospace missions.

Teams from National Defense University of Malaysia (UPNM), The University of Science, Malaysia (USM), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Taylor's University and Swinburn University Sarawak were asked to visualize, innovate and test their skills against specific missions simulating situations in commercial aviation, military missions and space launches.

Taylor's University won the contest, followed respectively by USM team A and Swinburne, Sarawak.

The event was also supported by the Ministry of Eduction Malaysia, Aerospace Malaysia Innovation Center and the National Aerospace Industry Coordinating Office (NAICO). CCI France Malaysia (CCIFM) supported the event in sending a representative to judge the contest.

Relive the event by browsing through the photos.



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