Call for applications: Scholarships for the Young Scientific Talents Week on the theme of Science and Sport – Universcience

Training of human resources in science, technology and innovation is an essential part of the strategy lead by the Service of Cultural Cooperation and Action, Embassy of France to Malaysia. As part of this strategy, the Embassy has joined the first edition of the ‘Young Scientific Talents Week on the theme of Science and Sport” Initiative, organized by Universcience in Paris (3rd-10th of December 2023), which will bring together young scientific talents from all over the world, involved in the diffusion and communication of scientific knowledge related to sports or e-sports (in the basic sciences, human or social sciences).

This call for application is aimed at providing financial support covering the full expenses of the programme (accommodation, plane tickets and per diem) to 2 young Malaysian scientific talents.

Scope of the call
- This call is open to Malaysian students, researchers, academics, teachers, bloggers, science journalists, engineers, digital professionals, museologists, whose research focuses on the stakes of sports or e-sports in the broadest sense, whether it relates to performance, health or research in the human sciences.
- The courses and workshops will be in English, applicants do not require a background in French language.
- The applicants must be under 40.

Grant application and evaluation process
- Applicants must send their completed application form and CV before the 15 of August to : sylvain.letailleur(@) & scac.kuala-lumpur-amba(@)
- Applications will be assessed by an internal committee set up by the Embassy.
- Please note that all selection processes are guided by gender equality and non-discrimination principles.

Download the application form here.

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