Event report

CCI France Malaysia celebrated its 30th Anniversary

In 2021, CCI France Malaysia celebrated its 30th Anniversary, since its establishment in 1991, CCIFM has been supporting bilateral trade between France & Malaysia.

From its 19 founding members, today CCIFM represents a network of 300+ French companies and over 2,000 business contacts in Malaysia.

CCIFM has always been vocal in supporting its host country and promotes Malaysia as one of the best investment destinations for French Companies within ASEAN. We continued to advocate this message in conjunction with our 30th Anniversary, especially during this period of the COVID-19 pandemic, to strengthen the interest of French investors in Malaysia. The story of the chamber is the story of its members and this was reflected in our media campaigns.

Read Now   :  Special Edition in the New Straits Times
Watch Now :  Video “Why French Companies are investing in Malaysia”

We also organized two networking cocktail that gathered over 200 members. The event was organized in two separate open-air venues to respect the Covid-19 safety SOPs in mind.

Click Here for Photos  : 30th Anniversary Networking Cocktail @ Sofitel Damansara KL 
Click Here for Photos : 30th Anniversary Networking Cocktail @ EQ Hotel  

We would like to thank all our members who attended the event !

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