Event report

CEO Series: In Conversation with Henri Giscard d’Estaing, the President of Club Med

CCIFM was proud to welcome Henri Giscard d’Estaing the President of Club Med to Malaysia and on this special occasion, we are organizing an exchange session with our Patron members.

About 30 patron members gathered at St Regis for lively interaction with Henri Giscard d’Estaing moderated by CCIFM Chairman Datuk Zainal Amanshah with the support of CCIFM President, Jacques Leizerovici.

Club Med is a leading French travel and tourism operator and its 70-year history, Club Med has been rocked by many challenges, but the Covid-19 health crisis has been unprecedented in scale and duration, and for the first time Club Med had to close all its resorts due to lockdowns and border closure. Henri Giscard d’Estaing shared how the company has navigated the Covid-19 crisis by evolving its product and focusing on a transformative experience, global development and digitalization.

He also talked about the development and expansion of Club Med in Malaysia. Club Med played a major role in kickstarting the Malaysian tourism sector in 1980, the first resort in Cherating put Malaysia on the international tourism map and contributed to the growth of the Malaysian economy. Today, more than 40 years later, CLUB MED still plays a big role in the Malaysian tourism sector and is now expanding with its second village in Kuala Penyu, Sabah.

The opening of Club Med in Kuala Penyu, Sabah will allow us to experience Sabah’s beautiful surroundings in a relatively undiscovered part of the world, it will also increase airlift and interest from travelers across globe including China, Korea, Southeast Asia and Australia.

The dynamic and proactive role of the Malaysian government has played a crucial part in this development, which will contribute a significant amount to the FDI between Malaysia and France in the coming years.

More informatin on Club Med - https://www.clubmed.com.my/
Photo Album : CEO Series: In Conversation with Henri Giscard d’Estaing, the President of Club Med 


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