Exhibit in SIAL Shows - Malaysian Companies' Participations

CCI France Malaysia has been appointed as Representative in Malaysia for SIAL Network shows. SIAL China & China South, India, Canada, Interfood etc..


SIAL exhibitions host thousands of companies from 200 countries and attract a live community of more than 700,000 professionals including 100% of the retail industry.

The role of CCI France Malaysia in SIAL shows is to provide assistance to Malaysian Companies throughout the entire SIAL experience, from registration until post-show.

If you are a Malaysian companies wishing to exhibit to a SIAL Network exhibition or needing further information or quotation, you may fill up the form here or directly contact Mr. Alban Simonte (alban@mfcci.com).

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Business Support Manager
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CCI France Malaysia has been appointed Representative on the following shows:

Events on the same topic

Fair & Exhibition

Paris-Nord Villepinte Exhibition Center  •  Paris

Food & Beverage Industry Discovery in Paris

CCI France Malaysia and MATRADE are pleased to introduce you the 1st programme regarding the Food & Beverage Industry in Paris right after SIAL Paris.

Articles on the same topic

No news available.
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