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Are you planning a trip to a French-speaking country? This 22-hour course, hands-on and conversation-based is the perfect chance to learn basic phrases and comfortably navigate through all usual touristic situations: meets and greets, going to a restaurant, a hotel, asking for or giving directions, taking transports, shopping...

Conducted in a friendly and encouraging atmosphere, the class will provide you with the language skills to further appreciate your destination. Tourists have countless opportunities to practice interacting in the country's language with the locals -all the more that, as the saying goes, "Learning French is much easier than understanding a French speaking English"!
For beginners and false beginners.

Dates:  Every Tuesday, from 10 am to 12pm
Venue: 15 Lorong Gurney, 54100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

For more information, please click herecontact afkuala(@) or call +60 (3) 2694 7880.

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