Malaysian Polytechnic and Community College Industrial Training


The Department of Polytechnic and Community College Education Ministry of Higher Education is working on Industrial Training Programs that to allow the Malaysian workforce to have a myriad of skills to enable them to perform effectively.

Industrial Training is defined as one of the educational strategies that provide students with real-life work experiences where they can apply the theories that they have learnt as well as enhance their technical skills.

It is designed to meet the employers' demand and/or the employment needs of those in a world of work. This will allow students to engage in on-site activities with industries and gain benefits by exposure to the latest knowledge in an increasingly competitive world of technology.

The objectives of the Industrial Training include:

1. to give students the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired on campus in a real-life work situation;

2. to provide students with opportunities for practical, hands-on learning from practitioners in the student's areas of specialisation (a programme of study);

3. to expose students to a work environment, common practices, employment opportunities and work ethics in their relevant field;

4. to enhance the employability skills of the students; and

Duration of Industrial Training:

The Malaysian Polytechnics and Community College students undergo Industrial Training during the final semester of studies prior to their graduations at various industries in Malaysia. This training is compulsory for all students and the duration ranges from eight (8) weeks to twenty (20) weeks depending on the programme of study. Students earn four (4) to ten (10) credit hours after the completion of industrial training.

Institutions and Programmes:

Currently, there are 36 Polytechnics and 104 Community Colleges in Malaysia. It is expected that 136 out of the total 140 institutions will be offering Industrial Training for students in the coming two (2) years. The list of Polytechnics and Community Colleges offering Industrial Training as well as the programmes offered by each of the institutions is shown in Table 1.1 and Table 1.2.

Assessment Components:

Assessment within the Industrial Training context aims to evaluate the student’s work quality and appropriateness to the programme of study with reference to the learning outcomes of the Industrial Training. Students should be assessed by both the industry and institution. Assessment methods used may consist of the following:

i. Evaluation report from the industry;

ii. Industrial Training Final report;

iii. Log book/Attendance record;

iv. Observation at the workplace; and

v. Presentation by the student.

Students must fulfil all forms of assessments set by the institutions and they will be given a grade of a Pass/Fail after the completion of the training period and all assessments above.

Graduates Attributes:

Upon completion of the Industrial Training, Polytechnic and Community College students are expected to demonstrate the following graduate attributes:

1. Inter-personal and Communication Skills;

2. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills;

3. Team Work;

4. Lifelong Learning and Information Management;

5. Entrepreneurial mindset;

6. Professional Ethics and Moral; and

7. Leadership Skills

Click here for the full detail of the program.

For more information on the project please contact :

Industrial Training of Malaysian Polytechnics and Community Colleges

Dr. Syafizwan Nizam Mohd Faroque
Deputy Director
TVET Coordination Division, Department of Polytechnic and Community College Education (DPCCE)




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