Manufactoring Committee Reborn!

After being dormant for more than a year, I am pleased to announce that we are planning new activities for this committee. Following discussions with members, the idea is to concentrate on WORLD CLASS MANUFACTURING subject.

Now what is that supposed to mean? Well-known WCM methodologies and techniques like TPM, 5S, Kaizen, TQM, JIT, Lean...

The spirit of WCM could be resumed in striving global company performance by eliminating losses (waste) and creating employee process ownership to generate continuous improvement.

The idea is for MFCCI members to visit each other’s production plants and learn from each other's WCM initiatives for the benefit of all.

1st visit and meeting will be held in Petzl Manufacturing in Rawang in February. Invitations will be sent out soon. For further inquiries on Manufacturing committee or WCM, you can contact me by email:

Gilles Waeldin
President – MFCCI Manufacturing Committee
President – MFCCI HR Committee
Director of Board

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