Event report

More than 210kg of trash was collected on Coastal Clean Up Day

On 10th September 2022, CCIFM organized a Coastal Clean Up at Pantai Remis in Jeram, supporting the initiative of Reef Check Malaysia in coordinating beach clean-up across Malaysia in conjunction with the International Coastal Clean-up Day. It was a beautiful sunny day and our members made it more meaningful by collecting and recording important information about the different types of litter polluting our coast using the Clean Swell App. The Clean Swell App is an international effort to create a global ocean trash database, to be used for research and policy-making purpose. We managed to collect more than 210kg of trash within 2 hours!  

This action may only be a “drop in a bucket” but it gives a meaningful manifestation that we do care for our oceans, rivers, and lakes – our lifeline to our survival on our one and only planet. We hope to continue this initiative for trash free ocean and organize a much bigger coastal clean-up in 2023.

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