Event report

Morning Talk: ESG - A Global Benchmark With A Local Taste

CCIFM organized a Morning Talk with Mohamed Ridza & Co focusing on ESG. In today's business landscape, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) are crucial elements of sustainable success for companies

Dr. Baizura along with Mr. Mohamed Ridza, provided insights on how to tailor an ESG journey to fit the unique Malaysian context while meeting international standards. Participants gained a deeper understanding of the importance of ESG considerations in achieving sustainable business success and learned the practical strategies for integrating ESG practices into their organizations.

The event emphasized the role of ESG advisory services in navigating local requirements and aligning with international standards, enabling businesses to make a positive impact while thriving in Malaysia's market.

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If you are interested in becoming a speaker in CCIFM Morning Talk, please get in touch with us via email at lavenya(@)mfcci.com

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