Event report

Northern Region Networking Cocktail

CCIFM organized a networking cocktail for its members in the northern region on the 27th of October 2022 at Two Frenchies.

We gathered around 40 members. Moreover, we had 2 different presentations by Invest Penang and Northern Corridor Economic Region (NCER). Mr. Harris Hardy Quah, Lead Digital Economy & Services Division from Invest Penang gave us updates on the state’s initiatives, breakdown of GDP and workforce, manufacturing investments, digital economy and more. The presentation by NCER was done by Mr.  George Zacharia, Vice President. He spoke about Northern Corridor Implementation Authority (NCIA), eco- industrial parks, NCER incentive package and programs and more. After receiving updates on Penang and the northern region, the night continued with networking and delicious dinner.

Click here to download presentation by Invest Penang

Click here to download presentation by NCER

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