Event report

Séminaire De Réflexion 2023

CCIFM organized the 2 days annual French-speaking Séminaire De Réflexion on 16 & 17 February in Putrajaya, in partnership with the French Embassy and CCE Malaisie (Les conseillers du Commerce extérieur de la France). The event provided an update on economic, political, and financial stakes for French companies in Malaysia, as well as information on investment opportunities and support given by local authorities to foreign investors.

About 90 key decision makers and senior executives from French companies based in Malaysia attended the event in the presence of the Ambassador-Designate of France to Malaysia H.E Axel Cruau and CCIFM President Richard FOSTIER

We were honoured to have YB Rafizi Ramli, Minister of Economy Malaysia as the special guest of honour. It was an occasion for French companies to directly interact with the honourable Minister of Economy and understand the government’s vision for the nation and the future role and contribution of French investors.

A big thanks to the 7 French companies who gave their testimonial during the session:
- Olivier MONCEAU from Club Med Malaysia
- Pavla Zezulková from Decathlon Malaysia
- Christophe Musy from Stellantis
- Nur Amalia Ahamad Fadzil from St Gobain
- Tan Chun Sheng from STMicroelectronics
- Olivier Estienne from Veolia Water Technologies 
- Yang Fairuz from Iraya Energies

We also welcomed speakers from diverse backgrounds sharing their expertise and knowledge with participants. Topics that were spoken about and discussed during the event were:
- Update on the Malaysian Domestic Political Situation by Nazhif Yusoff, Country Director, Vriens & Partners
- Update on Malaysia's Economic Situation in the ASEAN and Global Context by Professor Geoffrey Williams
-What Foreign Investors can do in the current Economic & Political Context by Dr Muhammed A. Khalid
- Geopolitics of Palm Oil and The Ongoing Transformation of the Sector by
 (i) Jean-Marc Roda, Regional Director for South East Asia, CIRAD
(ii) Nicolas Turnbull, Asia Product Manager, PalmElit SAS  
(iii) Stephane Bernard, Country Manager, Oleon
(iv) Michel Gilmour, Founder, PalmINNOV
- Integrate ESG Readiness in Malaysia and Future Challenges
(i) Kamarul Baharin, Executive Director, Sustainability Leader Malaysia, Deloitte
(ii) Pauline Goh - Malaysian Recycling Alliance, MAREA,
(iii) Chiun Chiek Wong Chiek, Director, Bursa Intelligence, Bursa Malaysia
(iv) Ai Chin Tan Managing Director, Senior Banker Client Coverage & Head of Global Investment Banking, OCBC Bank
- The recovery of the tourism industry, a sector impacted by the COVID crisis by Datuk Musa Haji Yusof, Deputy Director General (Promotion), Tourism Malaysia

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our partners and sponsors for the event Cyril Quenneville - AGS MalaysiaGenerali Asia and Malaysian Investment Development Authority.

Please click here to view Seminaire De Reflexion photo album
Please click here to view In Conversation with YB Rafizi Ramli photo album

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