SME Growth Catalyst 2023

CCIFM member Synapsys is collaborating as a regional fulfilment partner for Wix, and is co-hosting events in Malaysia & Singapore to help companies amplify their growth in the region.

The events will focus on marketing, digital transformation, and key trends that help solve common challenges businesses face in 2023. There will be 2 sessions, one in the morning more focused on SMEs and one in the afternoon followed by a cocktail for bigger organizations. Both sessions are free of charge and will be followed by a networking session.

Who should attend:

| SME session: Any e-commerce businesses, SMEs wanting to go outside of Malaysia, Companies who want to take their business online and increase their brand awareness

| Enterprise session: Any Company that manages multiple brands and/or manages in multiple locations

Register Now
The event is co-organised by Synapsys, WiX, and CrescoData. Click here to register.

About Synapsys
Synapsys is a French digital and consulting agency, specialising in digital marketing services

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