SOCSO Prihatin Screening Programme Commences

The Social Security Organisation (SOCSO) Prihatin Screening Programme (PSP PERKESO) for employees including foreign workers in the sectors allowed to resume operations during the MCO has begun its COVID-19 screenings as of 27 April, 2020. 

Registrations can be done online at PSP PERKESO's portal, using employees' identification card number or Foreign Workers Social Security Number (KSPA) for foreign workers. 

The PSP PERKESO will be implemented in stages. In the first phase which commenced yesterday (27 Apr), the screenings are provided by healthcare service providers appointed by SOCSO. Priority will be given to employees who work at COVOD-19 high-risk zones. In the second phase which will be announced soon, the screenings will be carried out at PSP PERKESO's panel clinics. 

• View Media Statement (ENG)
 View list of Phase 1 Screening Service Providers
• View Guidelines of PSP PERKESO Phase 1

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