Communication - Press

The Implementation of The New Format For The Registration Number Of Business Entities

Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM), has implemented a new format of registration number containing 12 digit characters for company, business and Limited Liability Partnership effective from 11th October 2019. Nonetheless, the old company number (eg. 123456-A) is still valid and can be used for transactions involving other agencies as well as on official letters, invoices, signboards and other printed document until further notice.

The purpose of implementing this new registration number is in-line with the national-level government initiative to introduce a business entity number format applicable throughout Malaysia, and to align all types of business entity registration numbers to facilitate usage by other governmental agencies such as Board of Architects Malaysia, Board of Engineers Malaysia, Board of Quantity Surveyors Malaysia, Malaysian Institute of Accountants, Board of Land Surveyors Malaysia and Malaysian Co-operative Societies Commission.

SSM has also published FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQs) to address some of the concerns relating to this new registration number. Please click here for the FAQs

You may obtain the new registration number format from SSM's portal as below:
1) e-Search (
2) e-info (
3) MyData (

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