Transition to Endemic Phase and Opening of the Borders W.E.F 1st April 2022

YAB Dato’ Sri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, the Prime Minister has announced on 8th March 2022 that Malaysia would start the transition to an endemic phase with effect from 1st April 2022.

The decision was made as an exit strategy to enable Malaysians to return almost to normal life after almost two years of battle with COVID- 19.

YAB Prime Minister also announced the easing of several restrictions with effect from 1st April 2022 as follows:

  • The use of face masks in public places is still mandatory;
  • The restriction on operating hours at business premises is abolished subject to the conditions of the licence for the premises’ operation;
  • The use of MySejahtera app is still required to access venues except for outdoor open areas which are not congested and without public gathering.
  • The use of MYSJTrace app is mandatory for enclosed areas with guests/visitors;
  • Friday prayer activities at masjid/surau or prayer ceremony in houses of worship other than Islam can be performed without physical distancing. However, the implementation of the final SOP for mosque/surau is subject to the rules imposed by the State Religious Authorities and for other houses of worship, it is subject to Ministry of Unity Malaysia/Unit for Other Religious Affair (UNIFOR)

Vaccination requirements:

  • The capacity limit of employees which previously depended on the vaccination rate is abolished;
  • All individuals are allowed to travel inter-state regardless of their vaccination status;
  • The 50 % capacity limit for mass events is abolished. However, physical distancing is very important and still encouraged.

YAB Prime Minister further announced:

  • The reopening of the Malaysia borders to international travelers with effect from 1st April 2022. My Travel Pass will no longer be in use. Travellers need only to download MySejahtera app and to complete the Pre-Departure Form through the “Traveller” function in MySejahtera;
  • Fully vaccinated travelers do not need to undergo quarantine upon returning to Malaysia but instead, they will only need to get tested using COVID-19 RT-PCR two (2) days prior to their departure and RTK-Ag (professional) test within 24 hours upon arrival.

Media Statement of YAB Prime Minister dated 8th March 2022 (attached the media statement
Source: Malaysian Employer Federation (MEF) 

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