Event report

Webinar : Re-imagining Business in the Endemic

CCI France Malaysia together with the Malaysia University of Science and Technology (M.U.S.T) & KEDGE Business School organized a Webinar titled “Re-imagining Business in the Endemic” on the 22nd of November 2021.

We were pleased to have, Prof Geoffrey Williams, Professor of Economics Malaysia University of Science and Technology and Prof Michel Gutsatz, Professor of Marketing, KEDGE Business School, as the speakers supported by Prof. Dr Harwinder Singh from M.U.S.T as the moderator.

Organizations across the globe are by now, all too familiar with what has been deemed the “new normal.” This has forced change and adaptation at a breakneck pace and we are required to work in an environment that is part crisis-management and part mid-length sustainability measures.

There are downsides as well as upsides to the current market, where many businesses have the opportunity to try out new strategies that, if assessed and implemented effectively, will move them into the modern era of business management.

In this one-hour webinar, participants learned how to identify key business models and strategies for reimagining their business in the post-pandemic era.

For those who have missed the event, please CLICK HERE to  watch the recording 

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