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150 companies from 70 countries were nominated for the Trophées CCI France International
Each year, more than 30 French CCI International give award to nearly 150 companies in the respective countries worldwide. These awards highlight the performance of French companies abroad, and to bring these success stories to an international platform, CCI France International organizes the first ever Trophées CCI France International on June 25 in "Salle Wagram" an historic auditorium in Paris.
Over a hundred companies from French-International CCI as well as the Business France networks applied for the award and from the 22 finalists that were selected by a jury of experts, 7 went on to become the win of the award!
CCI France Malaysia was part of the event and we were joined by our partner in France, MIDA Paris and few member companies.
Learn more about the Trophées CCI France International