CCIFM Input on Covid - 19 : LHDN

CCIFM Input on Covid - 19 : LHDN

Following the recent announcement that the Movement Control Order (“MCO”) in Malaysia is extended from 31st March 2020 till 14th April 2020, the Malaysian Inland Revenue Board (MIRB) has announced on 26 March 2020, that the due date for data submission and payment of the Monthly Tax Deduction (MTD) and/or CP38 payments for the remuneration for March 2020 has been extended from 15 April 2020 to 30 April 2020. You can also refer to MIRB website here for further details. 
This extension of time will allow employers more time to transmit and arrange for the necessary payments to the MIRB upon returning to their offices at the end of the MCO.

We will keep you informed of any updates from the MIRB pertaining to employer’s and/or employee’s tax matters from time to time. Meanwhile, please reach out to any of your Global Employer Services (GES) engagement team members if you have any questions.  

Frequently Asked Questions - Tax Matters During the Movement Control Order Period

Source : Deloitte Academy | Tax

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