E-Commerce Landscape 2023

The findings from the “E-Commerce Landscape 2023” study reveals:-

  • Despite the frequency of browsing remaining the same, there has been a decrease in E-commerce purchases in the last six months.
  • Younger and middle-aged adults show the highest decrease in e-commerce purchases. Older age groups who have adopted these platforms continue to use them at the same level.
  • Fashion items are the most popular purchase on e-commerce platforms, along with purchases of home care and beauty products.
  • Shopee remains the leading platform by a significant margin in usage.
  • Shopee is currently the leading e-commerce platform in Malaysia, but the big news is that TikTok has taken the spot as the second most popular platform.


Arun Menon, Managing Director, Ipsos Malaysia mentions:-

" The pandemic triggered a significant shift to e-commerce platforms, but the big question was whether this consumer behaviour shift would be sustainable in the long term? This year shows that it might not be the case.

Although e-commerce platforms remain popular, purchase rates are dropping compared to last year. Younger and middle-aged adults show the highest decrease in e-commerce purchases. Older age groups who have adopted these platforms continue to use them at the same level.

Fashion items are the most popular purchase on e-commerce platforms, along with purchases of home care and beauty products. There has been a decrease in healthcare products purchased post-Covid.

Shopee is currently the leading e-commerce platform in Malaysia, but the big news is that TikTok has taken the spot as the second most popular platform. TikTok also performs better than the market average on user experience, making it the platform to watch out for.”


Source: Ipsos

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