
Europa Award Sustainability EUMCCI 2017

Friday, 24th November 2017 

Dear members & friends,

Europa Awards is envisioned as a yearly event that culminates with a gala dinner and an award ceremony held in November.

The Europa Awards gala dinner and award ceremony will be organized and positioned as a high profile event with approximately 1000 participating guests and with a strong and relevant entertainment component.

In order to reinforce sustainability in the context of social-responsibility, the entertainment will be provided by Young Malaysians Go Classic, a large orchestra of nonprofessional Malaysian young musicians directed by a prominent music conductor and performing classical popular songs. The emotional value and impact of this performance is extremely high and perfectly in-tune with the positioning of Europa Awards.

This programme aims to identify, qualify and promote business excellence in Malaysia from companies that have demonstrated extraordinary performance in the field of sustainability to the long term benefit of Malaysian society and economy and in line with EU sustainable development values.

Click on the link to submit your nomination

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