Immigration Alert - Malaysia - New Expatriate Services Division (ESD) Portal Features for Facilitating Additional Immigration Processes Online

We are pleased to announce the effective implementation of the newly activated online facilities  ''Sub-Product Services'' provided on the ESD system, which now offers online services such as Transfer of Endorsement  (ToE) / Take-up Balance (TuB), Amendment of Approved Application, Shorten of Pass, Cancellation of Application, Permission to Study, and Permission to Work at a Second Location. These services eliminate the need for manual submissions, simplifying the application process and meeting the employers needs towards their expatriates.

These online Sub-Product services, which were affected by a temporary rollback with manual submissions last July after the initial announcement, are now available in the ESD online system effective from 2nd August 2024 onwards.

We are also pleased to announce that the Expatriate Satellite Centre KLIA Terminal 2 (ESC KLIA2) is now fully operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to facilitate the issuance and endorsement of new Employment Passes (EP), Professional Visit Passes (PVP), Dependant Passes (DP), and the Residence Pass-Talent (RP-T) stickers for expatriates. The Centre was launched by the Minister of Home Affairs, YB Senator Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, on 23rd July 2024,

Expatriate pass endorsements are thus now available at both KLIA Terminals 1 and 2, thus meeting the immediate needs of expatriates.

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