A crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic provides impetus for rapid change in consumer attitudes and behaviour as people cope with the changes in their environment. In May, as many Southeast Asian countries were coming out of lockdown, Ipsos conducted a self-funded study across 6 SEA markets to understand the evolving consumer opinions and behaviours around the crisis. The study found:

  • 84% of SEA* citizens across were worried about contracting the Coronavirus; Only 32% of SEA citizens said that they had adapted to restrictions and had settled into new routines
  • 80% reported a loss of income due to crisis in the region
  • Majority of SEA citizens (71%) said that they do not intend to travel internationally in 2020 even if it is allowed; Less than half of SEA citizens would be comfortable with going to a gym/sports facility (40%) in 2020
  • 84% said that they had shopped for a new product category online for the first time during the lockdown

* SEA markets - Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia


Three months on, Ipsos furthers this study by taking a look at how consumer attitudes and behaviours have remained or again changed. This study enables brands and marketers to anticipate future consumer behaviour as many countries are expecting a second wave of infections.

Pre-register to receive the FREE topline 6-market SEA report (Releasing in early October 2020)


You may also wish to customize the survey with your own questions at the following rates:

  • Add 4 custom category questions** at USD 500 per market
    (Closing date: 3rd September 2020)
  • Add 8 custom category questions** at USD 800 per market
    Includes access to full data set for selected market
    (Closing date: 3rd September 2020)
  • Access the full data set to 6 countries at USD 1,000

* * Close-ended questions


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