Event report

Northern Region Networking Cocktail

CCIFM organized a networking cocktail for its members in the Northern Region on the 16th of June 2023 at Two Frenchies, Penang. The aim of this event is to connect business professionals from the northern region.

Around 40 members and friends attended the event, which was graced by the presence of His Excellency, Axel Cruau, the Ambassador of France Malaysia, on his first visit to the Northern Region. On this occasion, Gilles Waeldin, CCIFM northern region representative, presented an update on CCIFM's current activities as well as updates on the French business presence in Malaysia.

The networking cocktail also provided an opportunity to introduce our members located in the Northern Region to His Excellency, Axel Cruau. After receiving updates on Penang and the northern region, the night continued with networking over wine and delicious dinner.

Click here to view the pictures from the event.

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