Reminder - CCI France International 2022 Awards

CCIFI is organizing the CCI France International Trophies in 2022: Monday, June 27 at the Pavillon d'Armenonville, Paris.

This event aims to promote the CCI FI and the great French success stories abroad, but also to be a networking operation with all French operators in the international business.

We will award our Trophies to the companies that you have already distinguished during your trophies. This is the evening of the "Trophies of the Trophies".

For more information: Trophies website


You have until January 31 to send us your company files via our form.

Conditions: the candidate companies must have received a trophy from a CCI FI in 2020 or 2021.

Application form


6 Categories of Trophies

  1. Startup
  2. French Entrepreneur Abroad
  3. Best Export Performance
  4. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  5. Best Foreign Establishment in France
  6. Special Jury Award


New in 2022
A trophy specifically dedicated to CCI FIs:


Objective: to highlight the initiatives taken by this network during the crisis.


Contacts Trophies
We remain at your disposal for any questions:


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