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Luncheon with French Business Delegation on the Occasion of the Visit of MEDEF International

Malaysia welcomed a VIP French Business Delegation consisting of 40 French companies as part of the MEDEF International Business Delegation from the 21-23 of February 2017. The delegation was headed by Pierre Gattaz, President of MEDEF International.  MEDEF International is the largest organization presenting French Private sector at the international platform. It has more than 800,000 member companies, with 90 percent of them being small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

MEDEF International is actively involved in lobbying at international level and their trip to Malaysian reflected this. During their 2 days visit they engaged in dialogues and meetings with various key Malaysian intuitions and ministries such as MIDA, InvestKL, MITI, and IRDA among others.

The participation of these organization with presence of H.E. Christophe Penot, French Ambassador in Malaysia, Mr. Arnaud Boulanger French Trade Commissioner, Mr. Jean Bernard Guillemin CCE Malaisie, Mr. Gilles Waeldin, President of CCIFM and Mr. Nasser El Mamoune, Director of Business France Malaysia kick start the dialogues session in which the ease of doing business in Malaysia and the opportunities available for foreign investors were outlined. 

This is followed by a business networking luncheon with the both Malaysian and French companies hosted by MIDA. Datuk N. Rajendran of MIDA and Mr. Gilles welcome the guest to the event and this was followed keynoted address by the MEDEF Delegation on the mission to Malaysia by Mr. Pierre Gattaz, President of MEDEF. Mr. Arnaud Vessie, Chairman of the France-Singapore Business Council of MEDEF International and Mr. Philippe Varin, Special representative of the French government for ASEAN. The luncheon ended with testimonial from French companies already established in Malaysia, they share the experiences and success of doing business in Malaysia; we thank Mr. Philippe Aroyo (BNP Paribas), Mr.Khalil Ibrahim (Bachy Soletanche), Mr. Tom Meng (Decathlon) and Mr. Clement Lix (Air Liquide) for their testimonial.

This was followed by visit to MITI and dialogue with YB Dato Sri Mustapa Mohamed and MAGIC. The second was spend exploring the southern tip of Malaysia with meetings with IRDA, Johor State Investment, Medini Iskandar, i2M and a tour of the Iskandar Johor.

We would like to take this opportunity MIDA who hosted the event and our partners InvestKL and French Embassy.


More information about MEDEF International :

More photos on our Flickr here

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