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CCIFM Advocacy Efforts

CCI France Malaysia is a bilateral chamber of commerce and has the objective of the development of trade between Malaysia and France.

Looking at its dual belonging and keeping in mind that the best way to assist its members is to provide them practical support for the setup, development and day-to-day operative activities, CCIFM always emphasizes to establish and nurture close relationship with the Malaysian and French authorities.

Over the years, CCIFM has established day to day operative collaborations with various Malaysian and French Agencies and have current MOU agreements with MIDA (promotion of Malaysia to French Investors, regional office set up, manufacturing facilities and other incentives), InvestKL (promotion of the Klang Valley and assistance to investors), Talent Corp (immigration matters, Malaysian students in France) and Business France (VIE Program).

Direct actions with the various regional agencies such as Invest Johor, Invest Negri Sembilan, Invest Penang and Northern Corridor are also done regularly. These collaborations are not taking place only in Malaysia but also in France (with CCI France International, Malaysian Embassy, Tourism Malaysia, MATRADE and MIDA offices in Paris.)

While the normal action plan would include promotion and practical support for investors, however, at the start of the COVID 19 pandemic in March 2020, CCIFM has further developed a field of action to support  existing and potential CCIFM Members.

Assisted over 30 applications to operate during MCO plus applications for vaccination program

CCIFM has been actively involved in supporting members to obtain operation approval during Movement Control Order (MCO) and have worked hand in hand with the relevant agencies to accelerate the vaccination process for our member companies, using the following platforms:

MITI (Covid-19 Intelligent Management System)
CCI France Malaysia is working closely with MITI to assist our member on the application and approval to operate during Movement Control Order (MCO) through CIMS (Covid-19 Intelligent Management System). Further information on CIMS 3.0 is available at

PIKAS is a public-private partnership immunisation program aimed at employees of which MITI has been tasked to coordinate the immunisation for employees in the manufacturing sector. Participation of companies and employees in PIKAS is voluntary. PIKAS is initiated in response to calls from industry associations, business chambers of commerce and Small and Medium Enterprises to help the Government accelerate the immunisation for the Rakyat. For more information on PIKAS, please email to; pikas.enquiry(@) Website:

SELangkah VAX
Selangor government has initiated the Selangor Covid-19 Vaccination Program to help expedite the National Immunisation Programme, allowing employers to purchase the Covid-19 vaccine for their workers through the state’s SELangkah application. If you have enquiries and need any assistance on SELangkah VAX, kindly email to:  Ms. Shazana Aimi Kamarudin at shazana(@)

If you need help with your corporate vaccination program, please contact 
Putri Zalika JAYUSMAN
Marketing and Business Support Manager

Immigration Support for CCIFM Members


CCIFM Business support team is actively involved in providing immigration support to our members and on average cater to more than 80-100 visa applications annually. Since the beginning of the pandemic our team has been working hard to convey the updates and information on immigration regulations and is working closely with the relevant agencies to solved the issues faced by the French business community. 


The Malaysia Expatriate Talent Service Centre (MYXpats Centre) provides employers and expatriates with Employment Pass (EP)/ Dependant Pass (DP) or Long Term Social Visit Pass (LT-SVP) / Professional Visit Pass (PVP)  and related pass services.

CCIFM is supporting these current issue faced by members

  • URGENT Endorsement of pass Endorsement/ Transfer of Endorsement/ Special Pass/ Shorten Pass
  • Pass expired during the processing period
  • Permission to enter/exit & return for expatriates and families, spouse visas holders.
  • Need to amend the Letter of Undertaking (LoU)

Call us for us to assist on all your immigration-related matter, please contact:

Christelle Didesch
Head of Business Support Services


Nurfahrain Ab Rashid
Business Support Services Coordinator


 Click here to view more update on the latest immigration entry requirements and useful information 

Dialogues Sessions


Besides these specifics actions with the key operational agencies, CCIFM is also holding regulars high level dialogues with Ministers and Ambassadors

  1. YB Mustapa Muhamad, Minister in charge of Economics Affairs - 18 June 2020
  2. YB Tengku Zafrul, Minister of Finance - 3 December 2020
  3. H.E. Frederic LAPLANCHE,Ambassador of France to Malaysia - 21 April & 9 June 2020
  4. Y. BHG. Dato' Sri Norazman Ayob, Deputy KSU – Ministry of International Trade - 21 January 2021
  5. H.E. Roland GALHARAGUE, Ambassador of France to Malaysia - 16 December
  6. H.E. Michalis ROKAS, EU Ambassador to Malaysia - 24 March 2021

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Amari Sky 2, Level 21 - Amari Hotel Johor Bahru  •  Johor Bahru

Johor InterChamber Networking

Join us for this InterChamber Networking event, hosted by the American Malaysian Chamber of Commerce, offering a great opportunity to connect.


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